Château Puyfromage

The Francs’kette in Puyfromage

The Francs’kette in Puyfromage - Great wine from Bordeaux

The Francs’kette in Puyfromage

After a year of work comes the time of the harvest and the festivities.

On September 8, in Puyfromage, 200 people, gathered around the musical group ALL SHOOK UP, celebrated the Francs’kettes that is the harvest festival of our appellation “Francs Côtes de Bordeaux”. A successful party.

The Francs’kette in Puyfromage - Great wine from Bordeaux

#francskette #bordeaux #allshoockup #puyfromage #wine

– Château Puyfromage
Great wine from Bordeaux – Côtes de Francs